Campus Ministry
The DV8 Campus Ministry is about developing a deep, authentic relationship with God while experiencing the adventures of life in college.
Our campus group is about imitating Christ while pursuing your dreams in an educational environment.
DV8 meets every week to have spiritual devotionals, fun activities and campus events.
DV8 supports two college campuses: The University of New Mexico and Central New Mexico Community College.
As the name suggests, DV8 helps students deviate from the norm and choose to follow the radical steps of Jesus at this important time of life.

Campus Ministry
The DV8 Campus Ministry is about developing a deep, authentic relationship with God while experiencing the adventures of life in college.
Our campus group is about imitating Christ while pursuing your dreams in an educational environment.
DV8 meets every week to have spiritual devotionals, fun activities and campus events.
DV8 supports two college campuses: The University of New Mexico and Central New Mexico Community College.
As the name suggests, DV8 helps students deviate from the norm and choose to follow the radical steps of Jesus at this important time of life.
Marriages/Family Ministry
The Marrieds/ Family ministry offers a community environment for spiritual growth. We strive to follow Christ at all times and in every area of our lives. It takes a community to live as God calls us.
We strive to create positive environments and interactions for the whole family. There are church-wide activities, such as summertime Sunday park services, picnics, parenting workshops, camping trips, marriage seminars, spiritual counseling, and marriage retreats.
Our goal is to discover and reflect the fullness of Christ together.
The core of our church is the small groups. The small groups provide time to learn and grow in Christ within small discussion groups while your children learn and engage with other children in the group.
Our small groups meet in homes throughout the city.
We would love for you to attend!

Marriages/Family Ministry
The Marrieds/ Family ministry offers a community environment for spiritual growth. We strive to follow Christ at all times and in every area of our lives. It takes a community to live as God calls us.
We strive to create positive environments and interactions for the whole family. There are church-wide activities, such as summertime Sunday park services, picnics, parenting workshops, camping trips, marriage seminars, spiritual counseling, and marriage retreats.
Our goal is to discover and reflect the fullness of Christ together.
The core of our church is the small groups. The small groups provide time to learn and grow in Christ within small discussion groups while your children learn and engage with other children in the group.
Our small groups meet in homes throughout the city.
We would love for you to attend!

Young Professionals Ministry
The GACC’s Young Professional Ministry is a diverse group committed to glorifying God.
Our Young Professionals Ministry has numerous activities meeting conveniently in locations throughout the city.
From Bible discussions to specific interest groups and spiritual retreats – the Young Professionals enjoy an abundance of fellowship times that build lifelong memories.
You are invited to come and see how God is working!

Young Professionals Ministry
The GACC’s Young Professional Ministry is a diverse group committed to glorifying God.
Our Young Professionals Ministry has numerous activities meeting conveniently in locations throughout the city.
From Bible discussions to specific interest groups and spiritual retreats – the Young Professionals enjoy an abundance of fellowship times that build lifelong memories.
You are invited to come and see how God is working!
Youth Ministry
The youth ministry is a comprehensive ministry for children of all ages and their parents.
- The Middle School Ministry is from 6th-8th grade
- The Teen Ministry is from 9th-12th grade
Our goal for these ministries is to instill a love for God and his Word into the hearts and minds of the youth and effectively pass on our faith to the next generation.
This is accomplished by helping them to see that a relationship with God is meaningful, rewarding, and fun.

Youth Ministry
The youth ministry is a comprehensive ministry for children of all ages and their parents.
- The Middle School Ministry is from 6th-8th grade
- The Teen Ministry is from 9th-12th grade
Our goal for these ministries is to instill a love for God and his Word into the hearts and minds of the youth and effectively pass on our faith to the next generation.
This is accomplished by helping them to see that a relationship with God is meaningful, rewarding, and fun.

Children's Ministry
"Kingdom Kids"
The Greater Albuquerque Church of Christ is excited about children’s ministry!
Our prayer is to help build a foundation that children will grow up to be life long disciples.
The children’s ministry program features "Dig In" curriculum with screened and trained teachers.
We want children to grow in Biblical knowledge, Christ like character, respectful conduct and ultimately to love God with all their heart.
The Kingdom Kids environment is safe and fun.
We are also growing in our knowledge and ability to help our children with special needs.
Classes range from 6 months old through the middle school years. If you have any questions regarding our program please email us.

Children's Ministry
"Kingdom Kids"
The Greater Albuquerque Church of Christ is excited about children’s ministry!
Our prayer is to help build a foundation that children will grow up to be life long disciples.
The children’s ministry program features "Dig In" curriculum with screened and trained teachers.
We want children to grow in Biblical knowledge, Christ like character, respectful conduct and ultimately to love God with all their heart.
The Kingdom Kids environment is safe and fun.
We are also growing in our knowledge and ability to help our children with special needs.
Classes range from 6 months old through the middle school years. If you have any questions regarding our program please email us.